Offering web design services from concept to completed site, my goal is to present your information clearly, whether your site is a simple online brochure or a complex site with many graphics and forms. My sites are set up in WordPress with fixed and blog pages.
It is important to establish the purpose and message of your web site. A review of competing sites and your current marketing materials helps to focus your site information. Your content is organized to be useful for your visitors. See Site Preparation below for general guidelines.
The appearance of your site should enhance your content. Flashy “razzle-dazzle” has its place, but can distract a visitor. Technology should showcase your message, not be an end in itself. See Client Samples below for examples of my work.
I offer the following services:
Initial consulting to help you organize your site information: Web site design or redesign; how your information is presented
Web site production: Copy writing and editing; site layout and navigation; graphics creation; site coding including tables and forms
Web site maintenance/training for in-house maintenance. Whether you want a new site or a facelift on an existing site, I’d be happy to review your web project with you.
Click on an image below to see the site.

DejaView Photos
For keepsakes of your family history or a digital archive of your old photos and documents, DejaView Photos can provide you with quality pictures.

Chromaceutical Advanced Technologies is dedicated to the discovery, development, and validation of scientific information using separation science and liquid chromatography.

Ashton Renovation
Craig Ashton works in all facets of home improvement, specializing in finish carpentry. Craig’s attention to detail will help you get your job done right.

Montefiore Press
The Montefiore Press is engaged in the writing, production, and distribution of private books. We produce books that entertain, enlighten, and inspire.

The Cliffs
The Cliffs is a 55+ mobile- and manufactured-home community in San Diego. The website contains information and resources for homeowners and potential buyers.

AlphaGam Alphas
This site is for and about the members of Alpha chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta at Syracuse University in the 1960s.

Harp Foundation
Founded in 1993, the American Harp Foundation houses numerous educational funds in which donations are held for specific educational projects, such as scholarships, awards, and prizes.

Welcome to ManyStrings, a celebration of beautiful music, dance, and traditions. The site including Cammy’s Dance & Music and The Classic Harps of New England.

Walcott Valley
This website is for residents of Walcott Valley, a condominium community in Hopkinton, MA. The DOCS page has information sheets and most condominium documents.

McD63 welcomes classmates of the 1963 class of Bishop McDevitt High School in Harrisburg, PA, sharing memories and information about gatherings and reunions.

The MorningSickness website provides resources and information to mothers-to-be about pregnancy, nutrition, and coping with morning sickness.
A lot of initial preparation is needed before a web site is launched. You must do some of this work; the rest can be done by yourself or by a web design service.
What you need before your web site is up and running:
- A registered domain name
- A web host on the Internet
- An outline of the purpose and details of your site
- The files that make up your site

Web site maintenance/training for in-house maintenance:
Whether you want a new site or a facelift on an existing site, I’d be happy to review your web project with you.
A general explanation of the process:
Obtain your domain name. All domain names are registered in a central index; choose among several current registrars to obtain your domain name. Registration costs vary. Some registrars offer additional services; the lowest price is not always the best deal.
Select your web host, who stores your web site files and presents them to your site visitors. Most sites use “rented space” on a host’s computers. A web hosting service costs from a few dollars to hundreds per month. Select a host tailored to your site requirements. Choose your webmaster (the person who manages your site) before contracting with a web host.
Outline your site: the content you want on your site, how visitors will use the site, what message you present. Think this out before your site is prepared. Only you know the purpose of your site. I can review your marketing materials and competing sites, and suggest ways to focus your message.
Prepare the files for your web site. This includes the text files, images, scripts, and forms that make your site useful. Many do-it-yourself programs allow you to produce your own files. For simple sites, this may be all you need. Otherwise, find a webmaster to analyze your site’s requirements, organize the layout and connectivity, and prepare the files for your site.